Figure 1: St Mary's Learning and Teaching Framework
*Inspired by Sinek's Golden Circle (2009)
At St Mary's, we set out a vision that 'encourages and supports every student to be the very best they can be, no matter where they live or what kind of learning challenges they may face' (Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration, 2022) because we believe that when we CONNECT, TEACH, CHALLENGE, and TRANSFORM our teaching practices, SUCCESS is possible FOR ALL.
Connect: At St Mary's, we connect and partner with the school community to support the development of capabilities and practices for the improvement of student outcomes. Our partners include, but not limited to:
- Our learners and their families
- Specialists and external stakeholders
- Leadership Team, school staff, and other BCE consultants
Teach: At St Mary's, we are guided by the Australian Curriculum v9.0 and Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Education curriculum. To develop assessment-capable learners who are future-ready and developed with a Catholic heart and mind, teachers use:
- BCE Model of Pedagogy
- Effective and Expected Practices and PB4L
- High Impact Teaching Strategies
- Visible Learning principles
Challenge: At St Mary's, our students are challenged to think critically about their learning to answer Visible Learning questions:
- What they are learning.
- Why they are learning it
- How they are progressing in their learning
- What they can do to improve
- Who can they seek help to improve learning
Transform: At St Mary's, we grow our teachers to transform their practice by wholly engaging students in deeper learning by providing rich, relevant, data-informed, and meaningful experiences that encourage children to:
- Use future learning skills (Questioning, Collaboration, Using prior knowledge, Problem-solving and ICT skills)
- Engage and spark a passion for learning
- Engage in new and expanded opportunities within and beyond the classroom
BCE Model of Pedagogy
Learning and teaching at St Mary's Laidley is aligned with the BCE Model of Pedagogy which brings together the principles and practices of learning and teaching that lead to success for all learners.
The Model of Pedagogy places the student at the centre of the learning process.
It is designed to ensure that students' needs are addressed, and, therefore, is a perfect scaffold for differentiation.

Figure 2: BCE Model of Pedagogy